A lot of times when we “diet” we see it as a temporary event. Once the goal is achieved then we can stop and start eating or doing whatever we want. That’s how we just begin putting the weight back on. I am speaking from experience. I have carried extra weight around for about 20 years now, that’s when I was pregnant with my oldest child. Since then, I have lost weight, then gained it back. I have tried weight watchers, paleo diet, Mediterranean diet, and so many more ways to lose the weight. They all work but it is temporary. Can anyone relate?
This year, my husband and I have decided to select a low carb lifestyle. We are doing good so far, with both of us having lost 20 pounds or more since the beginning of the year. I can now see this is a lifestyle and that I am not alone in this. That makes a huge difference. “Dieting” is a way of life for some people; I am going to be one of those people. I have a few health problems that make it impossible for me to digest foods accurately.
Having someone do these things with you, gaining the support of the people you live with and eat with every day, is a game changer. It is truly amazing how much of a difference it will make. My oldest daughter is a type 1 diabetic, she was diagnosed in August of last year, so low carbing is a way of life for her as well. This means its easier to keep junk food out of the house. That’s helpful as well. Removing temptation from your home keeps you from falling off the wagon, so to speak.
When I first started dieting I thought it was going to be too difficult, but it hasn’t been too bad. An occasional bite of the things you like is ok as well. And if you make a mistake and mess up one meal, just regroup and begin again the next meal. Don’t give up. We can do this!! Please, comment on what your experiences are and some of your favorite recipes. To learn more about us click https://newnanmedicare.com/meet-the-team/.
A Low Carb Diet Guide for Beginners – Diet Doctor
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